CEDAR carries out literature reviews to support research and evaluation projects on a range of topics. Here are a selection:
CEDAR, in collaboration with the Welsh Value in Health Centre, is exploring the relationship between health literacy and patient empowerment to inform a standardised approach for measuring empowerment across Wales. See the project page here.
A large systematic review was carried out as part of NHS England’s Commissioning through Evaluation programme Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT). See the SIRT page here.
CEDAR has completed a systematic review of intraoperative fluid management technologies, to assist anaesthetists working in Enhanced Recovery Programmes. Enhanced Recovery Programmes (ERP) aim to both standardise and improve numerous elements of perioperative care. One element of ERP is intraoperative fluid management (IOFM). The aim of IOFM is to provide the patient with the correct amount of intravenous fluid during surgery and to avoid both fluid overload (leading to complications such as lung oedema), and hypoperfusion of organs, leading to delayed surgical recovery and associated with surgical complications.
CEDAR's report describes the technologies currently available to the NHS, and indicated for IOFM, and summarises the evidence from published randomised trials (RCTs) for their efficacy regarding changes in hospital length of stay and post-operative complications, compared to standard care. The report is available here.
Medtech innovation briefings (MIBs) are developed as part of the NICE Medical Technologies Evaluation Programme (MTEP). As an External Assessment Centre for NICE, CEDAR authored MIBs on a range of topics. Medtech innovation briefings provide a description of the medical technology, including its likely place in therapy, the costs of using the technology and a critical review of the strengths and weaknesses of the relevant published evidence. Their purpose is to provide objective information on device and diagnostic technologies to aid local decision-making by clinicians, managers and procurement professionals.
CEDAR contributed to the guidance by undertaking a systematic review of the literature titled, ‘Review 1: safety, risk and pharmacokinetics profiles of tobacco harm reduction technologies’. This was one of five systematic reviews commissioned by NICE. The four other reviews were completed by the SURE at Cardiff University. CEDAR presented the main findings of its review to the Programme Development Group, a panel of experts established to develop the guideline. See systematic reviews on the NICE website here.
Health and Care Research Wales has established the first Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre on behalf of Welsh Government to analyse the impact of coronavirus and use research-based evidence to address new challenges as a result of the global pandemic. The core team of the Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre is hosted by PRIME Centre Wales. The Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre works closely with leaders in Welsh Government, the NHS and social care in Wales to provide the necessary evidence needed to make impactful decisions on diagnosis, care and procedures.
CEDAR was part of a collaboration with SURE , from April 2021 to April 2022, to act as a partner to the HCRW Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre. The Centre's aim is to analyse the impact of coronavirus and use research-based evidence to address new challenges as a result of the global pandemic.
COVID-19 Evidence centre reviews we have collaborated on: